Natural Deodorant

100% Natural Deodorant comfortably complements our entire line ofbody care products. This toxin-free odor eliminator is healthy and beneficial to your well-being. Without any harmful aluminum or paraben, the only things your body will absorb from our deodorant are bountiful, enriching nutrients. With our Ambre Essence as the leading ingredient, you will delicately emanate a sensual, alluring aroma throughout the day.

Simply rub our long-lasting, natural deodorant directly on your underarm area. A little product goes a long way, so a few swipes will be strong enough for all day odor-relief.

100% organic ingredients including coconut oil, shea butter, aloe, arrowroot,grapefruit seed extract, baking soda


Free of aluminum, paraben & toxins

  • Handmade in the USA
